
Welcome to "all things creative". This is my blog about all kinds of creative projects - my own and those who inspires me.
Hope it will inspire you too.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DIY – boxes

This is a paperbox that is very easy to make, you can see how to do it here.
I made these four boxes into to a Advent Calendar, one present for each sunday. You can print or draw on the paper before you fold it to make your own personal design. My boxes are made of printed paper in size a3.

Photo from here

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

For this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday at Ashleys Sisk blog

Two weeks ago I was on course to learn how to make these delicious goodies, do not know what they are called in English, but they taste fantastic...

Looking for something in the color purple, I found my daughters bicycle in the garden.

In Disquise

I found beautiful colors and shapes on my son's dreamcatcher.
He made it ​​in kindergarten and told me that bad dreams stays in the net, disappearing with the light of day. Good dreams pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper. Love that idea.

Photographer's Choice
A small collection of autumn images. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt - the iPhone way

It is a very long time since I have participated in Scavenger Hunt at Ashley Sisk blog.

This week has been vacation week in our family, we have been in Lalandia, the place where many families with children goes to. 3 days of playing in the water park and playground - the kids loved it so it's worth the money (but the parents needs vacation afterwards...)

I did not bring my DSLR, so this is my first Scavenger Hunt using my iPhone, quit fun...

Close-up on one of those things dogs tend to pee on! 
Found Texture (material, not applied)
I found texture on my sons teddy.

...is where the heart is.


your eyes and make a wish...


so many beautiful trees I met on my way this week, I could not pick just one ...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ahoy! Ahoy! 5 year birthday party with a pirate theme

My son Isac recently turned 5, and I had promised him a birthday party with a pirate theme. It was held in his kindergarten where all 22 children were dressed as pirates. A pirate had left a treasure chest for them, but only if they could prove they were real pirates.

· The first task was to look like and sound like pirates.
· Second task was to jump from "stone to stone" so they were not eaten by crocodiles
· Third task was to jump on one leg, it could be you if you get a wooden leg
· fourth and final task was to draw a treasure map
and then they got the treasure chest that was full of candy bags.
Isac had a great day – a big thank you to Line and Mette for helping me making a beautifully executed theme :-) 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friendship - a Photo Challenge

My photo for the I heart faces Photo Challenge this week. My son Isac and his friend Nynne, I love this picture.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another beautiful model...

I am still trying to practice my portrait skills, when there is a possibility. This time I have borrowed Manisha to help me. She did a wonderfull job as my model - and it was really fun too...  My favorit first – which image is your favorite?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer photoshoot

Here a few photos from my last photoshoot. My model was Kitti, location: in our garden. I was really warm weather, so a bit hard to keep focus – but I am very happy with the results.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

... and the taste is fantastic

Macaroon bottoms with Toblerone cream

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the wedding cake...

The wedding cake I made this weekend for Pia and Kevins wedding in Møgeltønder (DK)
It is a Red Velvet cake with creamcheese topping. If you need a recipe you can find one here, or try google it and see all the beautifull cakes.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

a triple dessert dream...

Yesterday I may have been exaggerating a bit, while I was making dessert for the evening's guests. It ended with a three double dessert, but I promise it was worth it...

chocolate mousse with caramel lattice,
marinated strawberries with caramelized almonds
and marzipan meringue with pink whipped cream, blueberries and raspberries.   

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A free DigitalART download for you

Just made some new postcard, you can download them for free –  here.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Confirmation photoshot...

My very first confirmation photoshot was last weekend. Sara, our nanny was so be beautiful. It was a pleasure to photograph her, here are some of the results.

model: Sara Bruun Pálsson

Sunday, April 24, 2011

eggs, eggs and icecream...

Just wanted to wish you all a fantastic easter – here in Denmark the weather is like summer, so we are  spending all our time outside. Yesterday the children painted eggs, the tradition is to roll the down a hill afterwards – very fun...

For dessert yesterday I made these Easter icecream cupcakes. They are made with white chocolate, that I dyed yellow - homemade icecream inside – and yellow whipped cream and eggs on top.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

DIY Kitti Cupcake

A while ago I made these Kitti-cupcakes to little Katrine for her second birthday. I bought some lollipop sticks (at Special købmanden) – printed out the cupcaketoppers and glued them to the stick. An easy way to create personal cupcakes – give it a try...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Making a visionboard

I am at the moment during a photo workshop at Divas and dreams, first exiting homework was to make a visionboard with photos that inspire me, I had never tried that before so very fun to try. Here is the result – a 120x100 cm photocollage!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Amazing graphic design by Promise Tangeman

I recently came across the graphic designer with the special name Promise, and was instantly in love with her creative design solutions. Go visit her at her blog or website and be inspired.